IPAs - a summer classic! With June beginning, I've found my favorite brews of the month. Feeling Cranky? Crack open and enjoy these brews! Have you tried any of these before?
Great news – it is finally summer! 2020 has already been a roller coaster that none of us expected. But at least there have been some days filled with beautiful sunshine and time to be spent outdoors! I’ve been soaking up that sunshine outside with family, playing games like corn hole, and enjoying some new IPAs of course! Here are my recent favorites...
Within the past few weeks, I have been introduced to Stony Creek Brewery and their Cranky cans. Wow! Not only do they have amazing packaging, but they also taste great. To start, there is Cranky IPA. They market the Cranky line as “aggressively laid-back beers” and I love this description! Between the sweetness of citrus and the undertones of pine, this originally cranky beer is so unique.

But sometimes even I get a little extra cranky and need a drink to match the attitude (haha)! Stony Creek Brewery’s Big Cranky IPA does exactly that This bright orange can is full of sugary pine flavor. I’ve been sure to keep cans of this in my fridge since summer started!

GBGB Rodenzok Sour Cherry Ale by Epicure Brewing is another brew that I have been loving! Once again, the packaging on this can is great. You can't help but reach for this fun and playful design! The brew is different than anything I have tasted. It's the perfect amount of sour with sweet cherry undertones. If you love sour and fruity IPAs, you'll have to try a can of Sour Cherry Ale!
And although it isn't an IPA, Cutwater drinks have been a staple pool drink. If you like sweet lime margaritas or refreshing vodka mules, you won't be disappointed. Cutwater has an amazing selection of canned mixed drinks; they had to be an honorary feature!

Have you tried any of these drinks? What did you think? Do you have a favorite IPA of the month? If so, drop a comment! Let me know your thoughts. If you do try any of these, be sure to snap a picture and post it on social!