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A Sneak-Peak onto My Travel Bucket List

Writer's picture: HangrygirlHangrygirl

I've always loved traveling. There is nothing like packing a bag and running off to adventure around a new town or city, even if it is just for a night or two! But because of the recent outbreak of COVID-19, we no longer have the luxury of hopping in the car and taking off to explore. We can't book tickets, go site-see, or make memories dancing around on the cobble streets of a new environment. And of course that is a huge bummer.

But it is important to keep social distancing. In order to stop this virus, it is crucial we keep quarantining unless you are part of an essential business. Just keep thinking of how great it will feel when we overcome COVID-19!

I think it's fair to say that once travel bans are lifted, its going to be a party. I'm sure every place we go from here on out is going to be celebrated and appreciated like never before.

I've been thinking a lot recently about what I will do once social distancing is a thought of the past: days at the lake with the family, sight-seeing around cities with friends, dancing until dawn, Italian dinners and grocery store dates. (Admit it, even leisurely strolling around the grocery store sounds like a luxury right now.)

Besides lake days and grocery store trips, I have decided that I want to travel more. Being locked up in the house and hearing about the world-wide devastation and uncertainty makes you appreciate being outside so much more. .

After thinking long and hard about what I want to do once the COVID-19 storm calms down, I created my perfect post-COVID-19 bucket list. Some of the things I came up with are more elaborate than others. Some may take longer to do than others. Nonetheless, this entire experience has shifted my perspective. If there is an opportunity to travel, to interact with others, and to see other social climates and cultures, I won't hesitate to say 'yes.'

Here is a sneak peak onto my list :

My Bucket List: Different Traveling and Trips that I Can't Wait to Start Planing

Feasting in New Orleans - After reading The Blonde Abroad's blog, I knew Mardi Gras is something I need to check off of my list. Jazz music, gumbo, and amazing night life? Where do I sign up?

Booking an Airbnb in the New York Adirondacks - I can't wait to runaway for a weekend and take in all the beautiful scenery at this New York getaway. After all of this craziness, fun is definitely going to be needed. I hope my friends are ready to hit the Enchanted Forest Water Safari.

Eating a Philly cheesestake in Philidelphia - This one is pretty self explanatory. Who wouldn't want to check this of their bucket list? The Condé Nast Traveler released a list of the 11 best Philly cheesesteak spots in Philadelphia, and saying that it was a major motivator to book this trip is an understatement. (Foodie problems, haha!)

Venturing off on a cooking tour in Venice - Maybe Hangrygirl can even go international! I mean, can you blame me for daydreaming about the Taste of Chianti? After reading a review on Tuscano Tour Time by Angela's blog, I knew Taste of Chianti is something I need to experience.

Chowing down on clam fritters in Cape Cod - I love a good stay-cation! Who says you need to leave New England to have a getaway? One trip I'm especially looking forward to is taking a trip to a Cape Cod ocean-side restaurant to enjoy a lobster roll and clam fritters. I'm really looking forward to trying the hot-spot P-Town's Lobster Pot.

Where will you go? What do you want to see? If you share your post-COVID-19 travel bucket list, be sure to tag my socials so I can see where you're excited and inspired to go to.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

Instagram: @hangrygirl_ri

Facebook: @hangrygirlri

Twitter: @HangryGirl_RI

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